Talks and Communications


EPFL (Lausanne), “Learning from Similar Distributions“, October 2024.

Institut Camille Jordan - Rencontres de Statistique Lyonnaise (Lyon), “Dynamical Survival Analysis with Controlled Latent States“, October 2024.

ICML 2024 (Vienna), “Dynamical Survival Analysis with Controlled Latent States“, Poster session, July 2024.

Inria SODA + MIND Joint Seminar (Saclay), “Dynamical Survival Analysis with Controlled Latent States“, May 2024.

Owkin (Paris), “Theoretical Aspects of Few Shot Learning“, May 2024.

IJournées de la Statistique Rennaise (Rennes), “Statistical Aspects of Learning with Signatures“, April 2024.

Spring School on the Mathematics of Data Streams: Signatures, neural ODEs and Diffusion Models (Greifswald), Invited speaker on “Neural ODEs“ (w. Adeline Fermanian), April 2024.

SiMul Seminar (Nancy), “Dynamical Survival Analysis with Controlled Latent States“, March 2024.

Technische Universtität Berlin, SPDE Seminar (Berlin), “Statistical Learning Theory for Continuous-Time Models“, December 2023.

Califrais’ Research Meeting (Paris), “Statistical Learning Theory for Continuous-Time Models of Time Series“, October 2023.

HeKA Staff Meeting (Paris), “On the Generalization and Approximation Capacities of Neural Controlled Differential Equations“, October 2023.

Congrès des Jeunes Chercheurs en Mathématiques et Applications (Paris), “On the Generalization and Approximation Capacities of Neural Controlled Differential Equations“, Oral Presentation, September 2023.

ICML (Honolulu), “Learning the Dynamics of Sparsely Observed Interacting Systems“, Poster Session, July 2023.

ICML (Honolulu), “On the Generalization Capacities of Neural Controlled Differential Equations“, Workshop on New Frontiers in Learning, Control and Dynamics, Poster Session, July 2023.

LaMME (Évry), “Statistical Learning Theory for Continuous-Time Models of Time Series“, June 2023.

Fime Summer School on Finance and Big Data (Aussois), “Statistical Learning Theory for
Continuous-Time Models of Time Series“, June 2023.

EPICLIN (Nancy), “Méthodes de signature pour l’inférence de données d’épidémiologie en temps réel“, presented by A.S. Jannot, May 2023.

EDF (Paris), “Learning with Signatures“, March 2023.

GTT LPSM (Paris), “Learning the Dynamics of Sparsely Observed Interacting Systems“, January 2023.

SODA Group Meeting (Paris), “Learning the Dynamics of Sparsely Observed Interacting Systems“, January 2023.

Marseille Medical Genetics (Marseille), “Learning the Dynamics of Sparsely Observed Interacting Systems“, December 2022.

CBIO Mines ParisTech - PSL (Paris), “Learning the Dynamics of Sparsely Observed Interacting Systems”, October 2022.

StatMathAppli (Fréjus), “Theoretical Guarantees for Learning with Signatures“, Poster Session, August 2022.

HeKA Lab Meeting (Paris), Short Thesis Presentation, January 2022.